Terms & Conditions
When your child’s application has been accepted and you are offered a place at the kindergarten, a registration fee is payable, together with a deposit equivalent to the monthly fee minus KELA support. The deposit is held throughout the school year, and applied to the July fees of the child’s final school year of enrollment. Should the child’s enrollment end before the end of the school year, the deposit is non-refundable. These terms apply to children enrolled after August 2017.
If your child is only enrolled in the morning pre-school group during their final year, the deposit will be returned at the end of May. This does not apply if your child is enrolled full time.
ENROLLMENT CAN ONLY BE CONFIRMED WHEN THE DEPOSIT AND REGISTRATION FEE HAS BEEN PAID. This total amount is non-refundable in the event of cancellation or if your child leaves before the end of the school year.
The monthly fee is due regardless of the number of days in a month, absenteeism due to illness or additional vacations, inclement weather or school or statutory holidays. An additional 25€ penalty may be added for repeated late pickups, to be charged at the head teachers’ discretion.
Payments are due on the 5th day of each month for 12 months, this includes July when we are closed for summer vacation. If your child has an illness that lasts longer than a month, the fee for that month may be refunded upon production of an appropriate doctor’s certificate.
If for some reason it becomes necessary to withdraw your child from the school, a minimum notice of TWO FULL CALENDAR MONTHS is required or you must pay two month’s fee in lieu of notice. The deposit is non-refundable.
The teachers have full educational responsibility and the schools educational policies are designed according to their educational principals.
All children must be toilet trained and over 3 years old when they start at the kindergarten unless they will be attending the 2 year olds group at Töölö2, in which case this restriction does not apply.